Sunday, November 15, 2009


So not that I normally do shout-outs, since this is a community effort, and would not be possible without tons and tons of people being generous and giving...that said, I am making an exception just this once for Pam who called me yesterday.

Here's the scoop. I was folding pajamas which is pretty much what consumes every free moment-that and rearranging once Anna messes them up for the 9 millionth time-and the phone rings. Like all good people, I don't answer, and stand by the machine, listening for who it is. When Pam (whom I do not know-even though now she is a bff) mentioned the pajama drive, I conveniently decided I was home, and decided to answer.

Pam said she had some pajamas, and had received some from some neighbors, and was asking how she could get them to me. These calls are few and far between in the land of fundraising, and so we agreed to meet yesterday afternoon. When I pulled up, I was thrilled to see I had my lady-as her trunk had all sorts of pajamas, not to mention some coats, shoes, blankets and all sorts of things. (NOTE: to everyone else please do not send me anything other then pajamas). That said-I was there, and so were all these amazing things-so I took everything. I sent a note to the three organizations yesterday and whatever "extras" (Other then the pjs) came in, will be split among who can use them.

Thanks so much Pam-and thanks also to Rick-who did such an amazing write-up-which always helps the cause.


Anonymous said...

yay for comments! It's Mindy. Just letting you know I did a post on my blog and linked here about your cause. How are things going?

Kelly said...

Hi Mindy, things are going great-better then I expected they would! My living room is full of little pajamas!

Anonymous said...

Is there a time frame you hoped to have collected them by?

Kelly said...

I had hoped by the end of December, but things have been going really well-so it will probably be before then. I know some people are asking for pjs in liue of dishes, etc. at holiday parties-so I will want to wait for those!