Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So as I mentioned yesterday, I have been talking to different organizations about where the pajamas will be donated. I had a nice long chat with Angie, from the YWCA and I knew I had chosen correctly.

The WIN (Women in Need) part of the YWCA is an emergency crisis shelter for women and children. This means their clients call them in life threatening situations, often in the middle of the night and from a pay phone. Normally, these women come with their children and just their clothes on their backs. Angie said, "You have no idea what a big deal pajamas are to these children who come with nothing."

Currently the program has children ranging from 1 MONTH OLD to 10 years old-though the ages change frequently. They house between 250-300 children a year, on a temporary basis until they can find a better solution.

I cannot even fathom running in the middle of the night to save my own life and the life of my child, much less have nowhere to go and nothing to take. This program is the only emergency crisis shelter for women in all of Dayton.

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